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Our values at Flux Therapy are to help train and equip people in how to support children who are at risk of experiencing early years trauma, and to engage with research to help better manage and minimize the effects of early years trauma.


Our specialities includes: therapeutic fostering, social work, transitional analysis, safeguarding, systemic practice, and trauma informed practice. We have delivered training  courses and workshops for schools, social workers, parents, and carers and we offer learning on a range of topics for all levels.


We have delivered training with a wide range of organisations as can be seen below:








Below are some examples of training courses we have provided and are also able to create bespoke courses also.


Shame and Parenting 

This course considers how Shame can often get in the way of how we parent, be that within a family, professional, or corporately. We look at evidence and research to develop practical ways to tackle shame.

Secondary Trauma  

We outline the symptoms and impacts of secondary trauma. Considering how and why we experience this type of trauma, and how to prevent it. 

Trauma and child development

This course explores some of the key ways trauma can impact on child development, and how best to support children who are likely to have experienced this. We cover practical ways to support children.

Therapeutically Informed 


This multi-day course seeks to equip professionals (including foster carers) with strategies and techniques for using what we already know in the therapy world to map directly onto the role of foster carer


We cover the workings of the vagus nervous system, and what impact dysregulation can have on our body's and minds. We draw on practical ways to manage this to ensure it doesn't impact on work.

Therapeutic Social Work

This course is aimed at experienced qualified social workers, and enhances the skills they already have, using evidenced based practice from the world of psychotherapy.

Recent Courses 

Deep Dive: Undeveloped Self Model
Physis Scotland
Deep Dive: Script System
Physis Scotland
Deep Dive: Many Chairs
Physis Scotland
Deep Dive: Shame
Physis Scotland
Deep Dive: Relational Three P's
Physis Scotland
Depression and Anxiety
The Well York
Script System and Beyond
Northside Training
Multiplicity of Self and chair work
Berne Institute
Safeguarding and TA
Northside Training

I would love to hear from you, and would encourage you to either use the contact details below or use the comment form.

7 East Parade, York, YO31 7YB

<img source='pic.gif' alt='Flux Logo; thawing trauma through therapy' />.

Thanks for submitting!

Ben Groves, Therapy, Counselling, York, Yorkshire, Trauma, Supervision, Consulting, Training,

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